WELCOME TO 2025!!!!
A compilation of 234 songs from all over the world. A completely ridiculous collection of weirdoes.
Also 3 new gigs already booked for 2025!
Information coming soon!
October 13th, 2024...
September 22nd, 2024
All I can say for now is that there will be a ton of new things going on in the land of OE Inc, and my Naythen Wilson solo project. Big goals will be achieved. Boundaries will be pushed. Nothing will be the same ever again.
DECEMBER 10th, 2023 at The Apohadion Theater!!!!!!!
Be there!
LIVE ON SEPTEMBER 24th, 2023 at The Apohadion Theater
"This Will All Make Much More Sense in a Handful of Months: A Tribute to the Songs of Naythen Wilson" OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all that were involved. This has lifted me in a way, that I could never explain to any of you. So much love and respect. Tracks performed by LLARDMAN, Ken Hallowell, Ian MacDonald, Stephen Cicia, Life Fries, Taylor K. Conrad, Brad Swafford, The Second Child, Julia Ranks, Nicole LePera and Ansel Knight.
Elliot Wilson has arrived! DEBUT ALBUM available!
The debut album of Elliot Wilson is now available! It is called "Regret No. 2" and is an atonal classical music piano tirade. Hope you enjoy!
IT OFFICIALLY COMES TO AN END! February 28th, 2021
From 2002 to 2021...
153 releases...
Roughly 236 CDs of music...
2,843 tracks...
I have decided to officially stop recording new solo material.
I will continue to do shows, once Covid-19 disappears
I will continue to do albums with my other bands
I will continue to collaborate with area musicians
but as for making new music for my solo project... I am done.
NW151 - "This Just In! Fuck You!" - A 9 CD Comedy Album Box Set
NW152 - "I AM A JERK: An Anthology of Repulsively Vile, Hauntingly Strange, and Unbearably Depressing Parodies"
NW153 - "Slower"
153 releases...
Roughly 236 CDs of music...
2,843 tracks...
I have decided to officially stop recording new solo material.
I will continue to do shows, once Covid-19 disappears
I will continue to do albums with my other bands
I will continue to collaborate with area musicians
but as for making new music for my solo project... I am done.
NW151 - "This Just In! Fuck You!" - A 9 CD Comedy Album Box Set
NW152 - "I AM A JERK: An Anthology of Repulsively Vile, Hauntingly Strange, and Unbearably Depressing Parodies"
NW153 - "Slower"
THREE MORE RELEASES!!!!!!!!!!! February 9th, 2021
3 new albums, full of tasty morsels of ugly and erratic shit. Looking back at many years of mental illness. You might not enjoy this!
A SHORTENED PROJECT, STILL GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! January 31st, 2021
Happy to announce a new release! Originally planned to be a sister box set to 2012's "Do Not Erase" SOTD project, "Sad!" is a 31 song collection created every day of January 2021. This thing is sad beyond belief. I explored nooks and crannies of my shitty brain, and this is what was born.
BRAND NEW FULL LENGTH ALBUM!!!!! January 20th, 2021
Mayhem and Eyehategod had a really gross kid! Here it is!
1st RELEASE OF 2021 January 11th, 2021
Lo-fi acoustic hell, detailing my move to Readfield, and how it crept into my bones.
5 songs!
5 songs!
NEW CLASSICAL ALBUM! December 18th, 2020
The music to this album has been lingering around me for a while now, and I had to record it. It is 44 minutes of some darkened classical music. Strings, flute, clarinet and oboe, marking out necessary territory.
Another Release December 17th, 2020
After putting together the Meadow Skrids album, I thought it would be cool to look back on my time living on Malta Street, and put out a Malta Skrids album. 70 tracks of weirdness and fun. I hope you dig.
4 NEW RELEASES December 15th, 2020
NW139 - "The Foundation" b/w "I Won't Follow" (Single)
NW140 - "The Entire Weekend" b/w "Into the Fabric" (Single)
NW142 - "The Meadow Skrids: A Collection of Rarities and Afterthoughts
NW139 - "The Foundation" b/w "I Won't Follow" (Single)
NW140 - "The Entire Weekend" b/w "Into the Fabric" (Single)
NW142 - "The Meadow Skrids: A Collection of Rarities and Afterthoughts
BRAND NEW RELEASE! October 8th, 2020
The 27th, and possible final release of the year. This one is absolutely unpleasant.
NEW FORK OF LOSS ALBUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! September 20th, 2020
WE ARE BACK! A brand new album has been released. It is called "Hive I've", and there are 18 mindblowingly strange tracks on it. This is our first album in 3 years. Our last one, "Prowling Options" was released on September 20th, 2017, three years to the day!
01 - Intact
02 - Empty the Pots
03 - New Globe
04 - With Room Despair
05 - Among Ivory Rubble
06 - I Was Always Correct
07 - An Owl Does Say Yes
08 - King Shit
09 - Why You Should Listen
10 - Train of Life
11 - Dissolve, Return
12 - Parcel Bearer
13 - Inside a Bookcase
14 - No Hands Cradled
15 - In the Glade
16 - Atlas Mugged
17 - A Disc
18 - Bring It On
01 - Intact
02 - Empty the Pots
03 - New Globe
04 - With Room Despair
05 - Among Ivory Rubble
06 - I Was Always Correct
07 - An Owl Does Say Yes
08 - King Shit
09 - Why You Should Listen
10 - Train of Life
11 - Dissolve, Return
12 - Parcel Bearer
13 - Inside a Bookcase
14 - No Hands Cradled
15 - In the Glade
16 - Atlas Mugged
17 - A Disc
18 - Bring It On
BRAND NEW SLAB OF UGLY! September 11th, 2020
There has been a curve from "Siren" to "Repeller" to "No Sails" and onward. This is the top and end of that curve.
A NEW SINGLE! August 28th, 2020
Brand new single available today! 2 new ballads of acoustic hell. Featuring my new Cruise bass.
GEAR UP, GET READY August 23rd, 2020
New album just released! If you were a fan of "Repeller", than you will most likely dig this. Swirling chaos bass, dire vocals, and overall package of misery.
BACK TO BASS-ICS August 20th, 2020
A brand new solo bass record, comprised of songs I have been composing in private, through out the past 12 months. Very proud of this one!
HERE COMES A BIG ONE! August 16th, 2020
HERE ARE 75 NEW SONGS OF BACTRIM DELUSIONS AND HALLUCINATIONS! A real laugh riot of an album! A sister album to "The Technician" from 2019!
So excited to announce my first comedy album! There are 9 more to come! One full hour of super ugly, and nasty comedy finely crafted to piss you off, or make you unsure of if you should still listen.
BRAND NEW SINGLE! July 1st, 2020
SUPER SPECIAL SINGLE RELEASED TODAY! I am so very happy to announce that I have collaborated with the illustrious Kaitlin Frost. She played lead guitar on a remix of my new single "Full Split" (which is the closing number on my newest EP "The Pier". This thing is majestic, and sounds incredible. Her serpentine guitar windings are out of this world, and incredibly tasty. The b-side, is a remake of my classic song "Boneshadow", completely modernized and re-imagined, with new lyrics!
Another live disc released today June 27th, 2020
Dug deep into my vaults, and pulled out this gem. I was lucky enough to be able to perform on the very stage where The Shaggs would play their shows back in the day. Such a great venue, full of energy. Played 5 of my most important songs. Changed my life.
Brand new EP released today! June 15th, 2020
If you like sullen funerary keyboard balladry, then this is the release for you. It will suck you down, and cut your neck open.
FINALLY PAYING TRIBUTE!!!!! June 12th, 2020
The fact that I was able to record this, is pretty wild. It had only been sung one time, and that was almost 3 decades ago! So happy to finally have it captured. This album will be priced VERY HIGH, to deter it from being sold.
3 NEW RELEASES TODAY May 27th, 2020
2 NEW RELEASES TODAY April 2nd, 2020
Today I released two new slabs for your ears. An EP called "Tempest", which is a monstrous guitar epic, and a single of "The Continued Echo b/w Flight". Excited for you all to hear it.
10 BRAND NEW ALBUMS ALL AT ONCE!!!! March 17th, 2020
After almost a 10 month hiatus, I have returned with 10 albums all at once! 4 studio albums and 6 live albums. The live albums are chock full of rarities, and the studio albums are more wretched than you could probably ever want!
NW112 - Real Time (EP)
NW113 - Lifted
NW114 - Live at Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts August 22nd, 2019
NW115 - Live at Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts August 24th, 2019
NW116 - Live at WUMM October 8th, 2019
NW117 - Live at The Apohadion Theater: DOES 24 October 23rd, 2019
NW118 - Live at Cloud Cover Festival II November 23rd, 2019
NW119 - Live at The Apohadion Theater February 4th, 2020
NW120 - Exchanges
NW121 - Prologue
NW112 - Real Time (EP)
NW113 - Lifted
NW114 - Live at Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts August 22nd, 2019
NW115 - Live at Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts August 24th, 2019
NW116 - Live at WUMM October 8th, 2019
NW117 - Live at The Apohadion Theater: DOES 24 October 23rd, 2019
NW118 - Live at Cloud Cover Festival II November 23rd, 2019
NW119 - Live at The Apohadion Theater February 4th, 2020
NW120 - Exchanges
NW121 - Prologue
Played The Apohadion Theater Last Night! February 5th, 2020
Last night's show at The Apohadion Theater was fucking incredible! Ansel Knight and Co. DESTROYED the audience, with their wild and chaotic set. Kaitlin Frost swept us away into her trippy soundscapes (her first live performance ever!) I had a very distinct plan of what I wanted, and almost immediately deviated from that plan. I have never been happier with a solo show in my life. Thank you to all that came, and for all those who helped make it happen!
BIG THINGS COMING IN 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This fucking stunning piece of art, was created by my dear friend, Kaitlin Frost.
It is of me, as a baby, engulfed in wild hallucinations.
This image will play a big role in an enormous project coming in 2020.
Keep an eye open for this important image.
It is of me, as a baby, engulfed in wild hallucinations.
This image will play a big role in an enormous project coming in 2020.
Keep an eye open for this important image.

We brought the fury. That's for damn sure. Eli was not able to be in attendance, but I am quite sure our demonic chaos magic made him proud! Almost 30 mins of pure live hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night, at Sun Tiki Studios in Portland, ME, Cloud Cover Festival made its triumphant return. Even though there was a small turnout, everyone knocked it out of the park. I opened, and did a career spanning set, followed by the ugly and dismal comedy of Stephen Cicia (his 2nd live show). After Stephen, was the experimental/avant-garde stylings of Farmington's Trash Palace, who took us on a sonic adventure to unforgettable locations! Then Ian MacDonald gave us some of his delectably bizarre and surreal comedy (congrats on making it to the finals in the Tightest Five competition!). Then came, Nicole LePera, whose haunting and ethereal voice, transfixed us, and had us in tears. And the cherry on the Cloud Cover Festival sundae, was Ryan Weeks and his gut wrenching modern folk, which had us looking inward at our own design, and learning how we can better ourselves. The whole night was amazing! Thank you to Ian Smith and Scott Mohler for making it all happen!
DOES25 WAS FANTASTIC! November 10th, 2019
Last night, I played my first show with a band I just recently joined by then name of Twisted Hell Cat! It was part of the DOES25 show. Glade Swope, Id m Theft Able and Ben Bennett, and Trash Palace also played. The whole thing was exceptional. So much fun! Shout out to Galen Richmond, for having us at his location at 155 Brackett Street in Portland, ME. I am still glowing from the show. Everyone kicked so much ass!
LAST NIGHT WAS INCREDIBLE!! October 24th, 2019
The show last night at the Apohadion Theater for the Does24 concert, was top notch! Dan Knudsen is such a sweetheart, and his performance was other-worldly. So great to finally see him live! Smokemaster420 destroyed our brains with their multi-media extravaganza! I went on after Dan, and played some classics, and some serious rarities. Thank you to Id m Theft Able for putting it on.
HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE that I will be part of the upcoming Does24 show at The Apohadion Theater on October 23rd. The incomparable Dan Knudsen will be releasing his new CD "Psychos"!!!!! I will be playing a set of my ugly atonal funeral folk, and the mysterious Smokemaster420 will also be performing. COME OUT AND SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC AND ART! Don't stay home!
HAD AN INCREDIBLE TIME AT WUMM w/Clifton Moser Oct 8th, 2019
Just got back from hanging at WUMM with Clifton Moser. It was so much fun, playing songs for him, telling some of my jokes, chatting about life. It was a super comfortable loose interview of sorts. Can't wait go back up there and play more.
HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE MY OWN FESTIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sept 25th, 2019
NOVEMBER 23rd, 2019 BEGINS THE RE-INVENTION OF CLOUD COVER FESTIVAL! Come one, come all to a night of weirdness and crazy fun! If this one goes well, we will have them twice a year!
The Three Nights of Frantasia Are Over... August 25th, 2019
Playing all three nights at Frantasia was incredible. Played my heart and brain into a crumpled mess, met some new people along the way, and made friends with other artists that I had been wanting to chat with for awhile. Overall, my sets were well received. Can't wait to come back next year.
I am back after a short hiatus, no albums, just shows Late July 2019
I will be performing all three nights of Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts in Livermore Falls, Maine
The first and third nights I will be solo, but on the second night I will be performing with my band SOON.
August 22nd-August 24th, 2019
The first and third nights I will be solo, but on the second night I will be performing with my band SOON.
August 22nd-August 24th, 2019
AND LIKE THAT... IT IS OVER. May 26th, 2019
I just finished my 111th solo release, and have decided to go on an indefinite hiatus. I don't plan on making anymore music for a long time. I am going to seek out other forms of art.
I started writing this album in August of 2018, and after MANY MONTHS of working in two locations and with the amazing help of an incredible engineer by the name of Aaron Becker, we got it finished. We recorded mostly acoustic guitar and drums with him, and I finished the remainder of the tracks at my condo.
The end result is amazing. I am proud to have done this with the other members of my band Goodbye Harbors. Much love to Stephen Cicia, Julia Ranks and Ian MacDonald. This is definitely a bittersweet moment.
I just finished my 111th solo release, and have decided to go on an indefinite hiatus. I don't plan on making anymore music for a long time. I am going to seek out other forms of art.
I started writing this album in August of 2018, and after MANY MONTHS of working in two locations and with the amazing help of an incredible engineer by the name of Aaron Becker, we got it finished. We recorded mostly acoustic guitar and drums with him, and I finished the remainder of the tracks at my condo.
The end result is amazing. I am proud to have done this with the other members of my band Goodbye Harbors. Much love to Stephen Cicia, Julia Ranks and Ian MacDonald. This is definitely a bittersweet moment.
Do you feel like dancing? I know I do. Happy to release this miserable little EP for you to shake your booty to.
Good luck.
Good luck.
So very happy to be putting this one out. Long time in the making. I have really been digging into some older concepts recently. Feeling a drive to get the shit to tape. One track, almost 44 minutes in length. Pulling no punches. Brutal as fuck!
My First Single Is Out Today! May 9th, 2019
I have been wanting to release a single for a long time, and I finally have today. Two very simple acoustic pop songs. Short and sweet, and to the point. Maybe another full length is on the way!
I have to start by saying I am an enormous fan of Ween and have been since 1990. I truly believe that their ability to bend music to their desires, is a rare thing in music, and that they have been able to garner as much success as they have, makes me feel like it is possible for me to do the same. To say they are highly influential to what I do is an understatement. I LOVE WEEN. Back in 2016 I befriended a guy by the name of Grant Rozmarin (Boognish Monster), and quickly joined some Ween groups on facebook. My band Fork of Loss was asked to take part in what was at the time, the second Mutilated Hits compilation, we did, and it was non-stop from there. I have taken part in 22 songs over 7 of the 8 released volumes. It has been a super fun experience, and have had the honor playing alongside some other very gifted musicians. The songs on this album, NW107 - Naythen Wilson & Friends Perfrom Songs by Ween, are all the songs I took part in, in order, as they were released to the public. It has been a huge part of my life for the past two years, and sadly, last year, Grant Rozmarin passed away, leveling the whole Ween family. This is dedicated to him.
Here are the liner notes for the album.
01 - "The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo" from the Ween album "Pure Guava"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
with Special Guest Aaron Becker on Drum Programming
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 2", released on April 9th, 2016
02 - "Pollo Asado" from the Ween album "The Pod"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
with Special Guest Aaron Becker on Drum Programming
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 3", released on June 9th, 2016
03 - "Vallejo" from the Ween EP "Voodoo Lady"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 4", released on November 3rd, 2016
04 - "I'm In the Mood To Move" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
05 - "The Belvedine" from the Ween unreleased "Long Beach Island Tapes"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
06 - "The Grobe" from the Ween album "White Pepper"
Performed by The Distant Tarp (Naythen Wilson)
with Special Guest Christopher Cathode on Drums/Percussion
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
07 - "Object" from the Ween album "La Cucaracha"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
08 - "Dr. Rock" from the Ween album "The Pod"
Performed by The Grobe Trotters (Timb Krueller/Naythen Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
09 - "Friends" from the Ween EP "Friends"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits. Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
10 - "The Refrigerator That Wouldn't Close (A Trip Through the Catalog)"
from the Ween album "The Crucial Squeegie Lip"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released on October 10th, 2017
11 - "Buckingham Green (Live in Chicago Version)" Originally on the Ween album "The Mollusk"
Performed by Jazz Dentist (Naythen Wilson/Ken Hallowell/Ian MacDonald)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released October 10th, 2017
12 - "Lullaby (For Three Basses)" from the Ween album "La Cucaracha"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released October 10th, 2017
13 - "Tick" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released October 10th, 2017
14 - "How High Can You Fly?" from the Ween album "Shinola Vol. 1"
Performed by The Grobe Trotters (Timb Krueller/Naythen Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 666", released October 10th, 2017
15 - "Mononucleosis" from the Ween album "The Pod"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
16 - "Powder Blue" from the Ween album "12 Golden Country Greats"
Performed by Papa Zit (Mike McLean/Jeremiah Shee/Ian MacDonald/Naythen Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
17 - "Birthday Boy" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
18 - "Blackjack" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
19 - "Red as Satan" from the Ween album "The Crucial Squeegie Lip"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
20 - "Boognish" from the Ween album "The Crucial Squeegie Lip"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
21 - "Puffy Cloud" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
22 - "Love" from the soundtrack to "Orgazmo"
Performed by Shut Up, Giant (Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
Here are the liner notes for the album.
01 - "The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgo" from the Ween album "Pure Guava"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
with Special Guest Aaron Becker on Drum Programming
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 2", released on April 9th, 2016
02 - "Pollo Asado" from the Ween album "The Pod"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
with Special Guest Aaron Becker on Drum Programming
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 3", released on June 9th, 2016
03 - "Vallejo" from the Ween EP "Voodoo Lady"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 4", released on November 3rd, 2016
04 - "I'm In the Mood To Move" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
05 - "The Belvedine" from the Ween unreleased "Long Beach Island Tapes"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
06 - "The Grobe" from the Ween album "White Pepper"
Performed by The Distant Tarp (Naythen Wilson)
with Special Guest Christopher Cathode on Drums/Percussion
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
07 - "Object" from the Ween album "La Cucaracha"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
08 - "Dr. Rock" from the Ween album "The Pod"
Performed by The Grobe Trotters (Timb Krueller/Naythen Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
09 - "Friends" from the Ween EP "Friends"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits. Vol. 5", released on March 9th, 2017
10 - "The Refrigerator That Wouldn't Close (A Trip Through the Catalog)"
from the Ween album "The Crucial Squeegie Lip"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released on October 10th, 2017
11 - "Buckingham Green (Live in Chicago Version)" Originally on the Ween album "The Mollusk"
Performed by Jazz Dentist (Naythen Wilson/Ken Hallowell/Ian MacDonald)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released October 10th, 2017
12 - "Lullaby (For Three Basses)" from the Ween album "La Cucaracha"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released October 10th, 2017
13 - "Tick" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 6", released October 10th, 2017
14 - "How High Can You Fly?" from the Ween album "Shinola Vol. 1"
Performed by The Grobe Trotters (Timb Krueller/Naythen Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 666", released October 10th, 2017
15 - "Mononucleosis" from the Ween album "The Pod"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
16 - "Powder Blue" from the Ween album "12 Golden Country Greats"
Performed by Papa Zit (Mike McLean/Jeremiah Shee/Ian MacDonald/Naythen Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
17 - "Birthday Boy" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
18 - "Blackjack" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 7", released May 13th, 2018
19 - "Red as Satan" from the Ween album "The Crucial Squeegie Lip"
Performed by Fork of Loss (Naythen Wilson/Stephen Cicia)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
20 - "Boognish" from the Ween album "The Crucial Squeegie Lip"
Performed by Naythen Wilson
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
21 - "Puffy Cloud" from the Ween album "God Ween Satan: The Oneness"
Performed by The Don Demmers Look-Alike Competition (Cicia/Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
22 - "Love" from the soundtrack to "Orgazmo"
Performed by Shut Up, Giant (Wilson)
Appears on "Mutilated Hits Vol. 8: A Tribute to Grant Rozmarin", released October 30th, 2018
It's time to welcome a new member to the catalog family. This one is quite strange, so try not to stare. It is called "Incidental Music From a Short Film About an International Train Robbery, Bank Heist-ish, Suicide Thingy, Entitled "My Blanket". I was asked by a dear friend of mine to do some incidental music for his short film. The moment he told me about it, I was swept up in the mystery and intrigue of it all. He is a dear friend of mine, by the name of Alex Deisinri. Good guy, weird films. Figured I would do him a favor, so here it is.
This album is over 25 years in the making. Finally releasing an album of True Maine Black Metal!
I give nods to all the Black Metal bands that have influenced me, and add my own twist to it. This album is fucking foul, and has a very dark lo-fi edge as all Black Metal should have. Welcome into a giant mouth!
The album is called "OVER".
I give nods to all the Black Metal bands that have influenced me, and add my own twist to it. This album is fucking foul, and has a very dark lo-fi edge as all Black Metal should have. Welcome into a giant mouth!
The album is called "OVER".
So happy to be getting this shit out of me. This album may sound similar in approach to others in my catalog, but I promise you, it is FAR DIFFERENT. There is a different level of forward on this. More info on page 12 of the album section. The album is called "Stuart Jude". To reflect is vital.
2nd ALBUM RELEASED IN THE SAME DAY!!!!!!!!!!! March 31st, 2019
Very happy to finally put this one out as well. This album is keys, effects and vocals, and is absolutely wretched, and sinister. Taking my childhood and blending it with my current life and screaming out to the sky. A true musical abomination! More details on Page 12 of the albums section.
I don't want to give too many clues away, but this one harkens back to the days of "Celery Is the Ghost" and "Undertainment"! The tracklisting is on Page 12 in the albums section!
Just released the show I played last Saturday. The show was incredible and felt so right. I was very happy with how everything turned out. Here is the track list!
01 - Got Lists from NW75-38 "Things I Thought Needed To Be Pointed Out"
02 - Chasing You from NW11 "The Forlorn Hands"
03 - 107 Feet from NW35 "This Is I Never Returned"
04 - More Holes from NW03 "When the Puppet Explodes" > Invited (Unreleased)
05 - I Love You For What You Gave Me from NW99 "Congruency"
06 - Wasn't a Mountain from NW75-47 "With Tasting Hands I Sort Your Things"
07 - October 12th, 1996 from NW44 "Celery Is the Ghost"
08 - The Face Job from NW07 "My Tell-All Book"
09 - Foreign Itch from NW21 "Never Went Towards the Window"
10 - They Said Today from NW75-42 "GRAVITY"
11 - Boneshadow from NW01 "Crowbar = Love"
12 - The Ceremony from NW08 "The Naythen Wilson Septet Sings the Songs of Adrian, The Chief of Police"
13 - Baron Von Grapenut from NW04 "Resistance in Progress"
14 - Big White, Little White, Two Little Grays from NW54 "The Nod"
15 - Galaxies Splits (Modified) from NW04 "Resistance in Progress"
16 - Your Mother Sings Again from NW75-39 "In The Last Days"
01 - Got Lists from NW75-38 "Things I Thought Needed To Be Pointed Out"
02 - Chasing You from NW11 "The Forlorn Hands"
03 - 107 Feet from NW35 "This Is I Never Returned"
04 - More Holes from NW03 "When the Puppet Explodes" > Invited (Unreleased)
05 - I Love You For What You Gave Me from NW99 "Congruency"
06 - Wasn't a Mountain from NW75-47 "With Tasting Hands I Sort Your Things"
07 - October 12th, 1996 from NW44 "Celery Is the Ghost"
08 - The Face Job from NW07 "My Tell-All Book"
09 - Foreign Itch from NW21 "Never Went Towards the Window"
10 - They Said Today from NW75-42 "GRAVITY"
11 - Boneshadow from NW01 "Crowbar = Love"
12 - The Ceremony from NW08 "The Naythen Wilson Septet Sings the Songs of Adrian, The Chief of Police"
13 - Baron Von Grapenut from NW04 "Resistance in Progress"
14 - Big White, Little White, Two Little Grays from NW54 "The Nod"
15 - Galaxies Splits (Modified) from NW04 "Resistance in Progress"
16 - Your Mother Sings Again from NW75-39 "In The Last Days"
MARCH 17th, 2019
The show last night at The Record Connection in Waterville was INCREDIBLE! I had so much fun. So many familiar faces. My dad and all my siblings showed up (it was the first time my sisters had ever seen me play.) Nicole LePera was OTHER-WORLDLY. Her set had us transfixed. SO POWERFUL! A million thank yous to Bob Richard and Will Richard for all they have done to make us feel great, comfortable and loved. I hope to play there again soon.
Tickets are now available for my upcoming show at The Record Connection in Waterville, Maine on March 16th, 2019. You can buy them for $5 at The Record Connection or you can buy them from me in person! Feel free to call, email, or write me on Facebook.
It is official! I will be playing at the greatest vinyl store in New England, The Record Connection, on March 16th, 2019. I will be playing a small, intimate, show and tickets will be sold in advance, and there wont' be many. This is a small, first come-first serve situation. Ticket information will be posted soon! I will be having an incredibly dear friend of mine open the show. Here name is Nicole LePera, and her haunting ethereal folk music is like no other. I PROMISE YOU THAT YOU WILL BE TRANSPORTED TO ANOTHER PLACE! She is phenomenal! Then I will dish out my meal of ugly atonal acoustic funeral folk. Come one, come all!
Here is my performance of "Foreign Itch" off of my album "Never Went Towards the Window".
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! January 2nd, 2019
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: On Saturday the 5th, I will be filmed performing a very special song, for a videos series called Kennebec Diamonds. It is the brainchild of Ryan Weeks, and I promise you it will be outstanding. Keep your eyes peeled! HINT: I will be playing a track from "Never Went Towards the Window"
HUGE NEWS! December 23rd, 2018
TWO BRAND NEW ALBUMS and a BRAND NEW SITE LAYOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am happy to announce the release of TWO NEW releases!!!!!!!!!!! This puts me at 100 proper releases.
The site has also been fixed, all pages are updated. All album track listings available, complete with cover art, and the pricing guide has been updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The site has also been fixed, all pages are updated. All album track listings available, complete with cover art, and the pricing guide has been updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NW99 is HERE! It is called "Congruency" as is full of 14 dark ballads, just my old 50's Kay hollow body guitar, and my voice. It is stark, and unnerving. It is sure to give you the chills.
01 - Lean
02 - So West
03 - Still Forward
04 - A Lasting Rumble
05 - In a Future Yard
06 - Singular
07 - I Love You For What You Gave Me
08 - Worst Shift
09 - Now Brass
10 - Zig-Zag
11 - Can You?
12 - Hang Up
13 - 5 Weeks
14 - Snuck Out
01 - Lean
02 - So West
03 - Still Forward
04 - A Lasting Rumble
05 - In a Future Yard
06 - Singular
07 - I Love You For What You Gave Me
08 - Worst Shift
09 - Now Brass
10 - Zig-Zag
11 - Can You?
12 - Hang Up
13 - 5 Weeks
14 - Snuck Out
NW100 is HERE! It is my set from my recent show at The Apohadion Theater. I play songs from throughout my solo career, and the energy is wild! Thank you again to Greg for allowing me to come and perform there!
01 - Fire Took the House from NW12 "The Very Last Supper"
02 - The Continuous Echo from NW40 "The Two Who Waited"
03 - Be from NW03 "When the Puppet Explodes"
04 - From the Left from NW14 "thesimplealbum"
05 - Fortunes Navigate from NW34 "I Put a Delicate Cloth Over Your Face"
06 - Why I Won't Go Near a Fan from NW07 "My Tell-All Book"
07 - Death Witch from NW19 "Death Witch"
08 - They Told Me About You from 0739 "Ready For the House" (JANDEK/Corwood Industries)
09 - The Schedule Is Posted from NW24 "The Boy Who Cried Doom"
10 - Stormlight Beacon from NW35 "This Is I Never Returned"
11 - 0460 from NW31 "Reds For Dense"
12 - Ignored the Circle (You Killed Me) from NW75-13 "3,720 and Other Mentioned Tales"
13 - Katherine from NW06 "I'm Mister Siren"
14 - Ademja from FOL04 "FOLLOW" (Fork of Loss)
01 - Fire Took the House from NW12 "The Very Last Supper"
02 - The Continuous Echo from NW40 "The Two Who Waited"
03 - Be from NW03 "When the Puppet Explodes"
04 - From the Left from NW14 "thesimplealbum"
05 - Fortunes Navigate from NW34 "I Put a Delicate Cloth Over Your Face"
06 - Why I Won't Go Near a Fan from NW07 "My Tell-All Book"
07 - Death Witch from NW19 "Death Witch"
08 - They Told Me About You from 0739 "Ready For the House" (JANDEK/Corwood Industries)
09 - The Schedule Is Posted from NW24 "The Boy Who Cried Doom"
10 - Stormlight Beacon from NW35 "This Is I Never Returned"
11 - 0460 from NW31 "Reds For Dense"
12 - Ignored the Circle (You Killed Me) from NW75-13 "3,720 and Other Mentioned Tales"
13 - Katherine from NW06 "I'm Mister Siren"
14 - Ademja from FOL04 "FOLLOW" (Fork of Loss)
I apologize for the inconvenience, but the album portion of the website will be down until the new year. I have to work diligently at revitalizing it. If you have any questions about the releases, they are all listed on the Price List page. 2019 will bring on a new layout. I hope you all enjoy!
The show at The Apohadion Theater was incredible!!!!!!! Dec 12th, 2018
Thank you all so much for attending. It was a life-changing moment for me, and it was amazing to be able to share that stage with Stairwell Machine (Ken Hallowell) and Ryan Weeks! Having my father and brother in the audience took it to a very special level. I will return to that venue for sure.
SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be joined by two of my closest musical brothers, Ken Hallowell (Stairwell Machine) and Ryan Weeks. December 11th, 2018 at the coolest venue in Portland, Maine, The Apohadion Theater! Doors at 8, Show at 8:30.
For more info, follow this link.
This recording is of my performance at the 2018 Frantasia Festival of Out Music and Arts. I played a very short set, consisting of 3 outtakes from my album "Montana". LOTS OF LOVE AND SPECIAL THANKS go out to Fran Szostek, Kathleen Szostek and Christopher Cathode for all of their love and support. Without them, this album would not even exist.
01 - Introduction (Fran says a few words about me)
02 - Huevaen
03 - Soon Covered
04 - Loonsday
01 - Introduction (Fran says a few words about me)
02 - Huevaen
03 - Soon Covered
04 - Loonsday
5th ALBUM OF THE YEAR OUT TODAY October 19th, 2018
This is the first album to concentrate heavily on Avant-Classical music, with operatic vocals. Another sonic slab of misery to fill your ear holes. One 27 + minute song called "Not For Long". Abandon all hope.
BRAND NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! July 27th, 2018
Lower and lower we go. This one is fucking revolting.
1. Collaborate
2. No Sails
3. Shoebox
4. All the Way Around
5. So Excited
6. Too Big To See
7. Eleverance
8. Was Never Leaving
THIS IS THE FIRST ALBUM RECORDED AT OE STUDIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Collaborate
2. No Sails
3. Shoebox
4. All the Way Around
5. So Excited
6. Too Big To See
7. Eleverance
8. Was Never Leaving
THIS IS THE FIRST ALBUM RECORDED AT OE STUDIOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRAND NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! July 10th, 2018
This album was recorded on June 30th, 2018 in the Lafayette Street living room. It was the last album recorded there by me, as a resident. It really captures the fucking ugliness of leaving the house. It is a short piano EP called "Waiting For 100". Nothing helps. The gates are open. There is one song, and it is called "You Did This".
BRAND NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! June 27th, 2018
This is the final album to be recorded at Bluepen Studios. The studio has been closed. No idea of if it will ever re-open. This album is called "So Much More", and is a loving tribute to Marsha Brown and Grant Brown. Without them, I wouldn't even be alive. Their love for me has gotten me through some incredibly dark times, and I owe them the world.
01 - Separate Cages
02 - Beyond Proud
03 - It's Right There
04 - Stunned Gallons
05 - 13 Years
06 - The Hard Worked Forest
07 - So Much Here
08 - Redirecture
09 - The Pattern
01 - Separate Cages
02 - Beyond Proud
03 - It's Right There
04 - Stunned Gallons
05 - 13 Years
06 - The Hard Worked Forest
07 - So Much Here
08 - Redirecture
09 - The Pattern
After a really long wait, I have decided to jump back into the fray. The album is called "Now", and it is one of the most cathartic recordings I have ever released. Imagine "I'm Mister Siren" meets "The 12th Mass"!
HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!! December 25th, 2017
Since the winter of 2002, I have been releasing solo albums. 15 years into this, and I have finally decided to truly attack this idea. I have been hounded for years by friends and fans, to make a best of album for my solo material. It has finally happened. The release is called "Long Lost: The Best of Naythen Wilson". There is one song from each of my albums, not including any of the CDs in my Complete Career Retrospective Box Set (because that was comprised of songs I had written with bands I was in) or any of the covers albums I did (because those songs weren't written by me). There are 135 songs on this release. So many styles, so many approaches, so many strange ideas. THE INCREDIBLE COVER ART WAS DRAWN BY THE ONE AND ONLY OWEN ASHWORTH!!!!!!! (Casiotone for the Painfully Alone) Thank you again Owen for this amazing drawing of me. Without you, this project couldn't have been possible.
Here is the complete track listing for the album:
001 - 06-18-70 from "Crowbar = Love"
002 - Adelaide from "Howling at The Science of The Invisible"
003 - The Most Basic Fact from "When the Puppet Explodes"
004 - Baron Von Grapenut from "Resistance In Progress"
005 - 27:27 from "27:27 (The Time Remaining)"
006 - DeLorme from "I'm Mister Siren"
007 - When Will I Stop Stinking? from "My Tell-All Book"
008 - 42 Minutes of Bliss from "The Naythen Wilson Septet Sings the Songs of Adrian, The Chief of Police"
009 - The 12th Mass from "The 12th Mass"
010 - I Am So Happy (And I Am Not a Calendar) from "The Fireman Has a Box Just For You"
011 - Get a Roof from "The Forlorn Hands"
012 - Fire Took the House from "The Very Last Supper"
013 - Plummets from "No Move Water"
014 - From the Left from "thesimplealbum"
015 - The Dish of Which You Dance from "Repeller"
016 - Death Witch from "Death Witch"
017 - Architect of Destiny from "160 Years In Between Viewings"
018 - Foreign Itch from "Never Went Towards the Window"
019 - Recapitulation from "RECAPITULATION"
020 - With These Hands from "The Boy Who Cried Doom"
021 - Beatrice Nutter from "Entrance"
022 - My Brain from "The Diane Chronicles"
023 - Drink the Beggar from "Riding the Inconvenient Rays of The Sun"
024 - Calculations from "I AM SFMYFS JXUNRS"
025 - Black Wine from "Empty Are the Lands"
026 - Comfort in Corners from "A Bird Named Bronson"
027 - 0460 from "Reds For Dense"
028 - 092047 from "White;Precious"
029 - I'm the Ruiner from "National City...."
030 - Fortunes Navigate from "I Put a Delicate Cloth Over Your Face"
031 - 107 Feet from "This Is I Never Returned"
032 - For Guisseppe from "Drag"
033 - And Once Again from "Sadie"
034 - The Devotion Plug from "Today, and Welcome or The Illuminated Hill"
035 - There Will Be Additions from "A Complete List Of Every Who Has Ever Gone Missing"
036 - The Continuous Echo from "The Two Who Waited"
037 - He Is Really Tired from "Chapter Six"
038 - Movement For Voice and Airplane from "The Cassa-Amette Storm Stream Blackout"
039 - October 12th, 1996 from "Celery Is the Ghost"
040 - Leaving Newscasters from "Leaving Newscasters"
041 - Soul Carnival from "The Horrible Escapades of Everett Konkine Wilkins"
042 - And Torn from "Gone To the Woods"
043 - Jonas from "Wish For a Cat, Get a Cat"
044 - The Last Dream from "A Small Part Showing"
045 - Regurgitate Order from "She Has Ventured (Spill River, Spill)"
046 - I Love You Misery from "BARNDANCE"
047 - Left For Me from "Suffix"
048 - Big White, Little White, Two Little Grays from "The Nod"
049 - Ringing Through Fog from "Fire Sadly"
050 - Vines of Singapore from "8th Boulevard"
051 - Breakdown Math from "Breakdown Math"
052 - With My Luck from "The Dead Behavior...."
053 - The Civil House Gang from "This Is Just Another CD Full of Karaoke Covers..."
054 - This Was But a Partial Release from "It Kinda Looks Like Part of a Wheel"
055 - They're Dead From All of The Adjusting from "Lantern (A Concentration)"
056 - Eye Dwindle from "ME TOMB"
057 - Mannequin Arm from "Undertainment"
058 - Farmland Forever and Never from "The Feather Water"
059 - Vested from "27:27 (The Failure)"
060 - At a Direct Angle from "The Fun Never Starts"
061 - The Giant Silken Beast from "Walk From The Shape"
062 - Going Up One Side and Down the Other from "To the Audience Inside Your Dreams, I Apologize"
063 - 030310 The Coronation Scene from "Imperial Stride Disc 1: Not Of the Same Heart"
064 - 051710 Five Copies of the Same Record from "Imperial Stride Disc 2: The Emperor's Cage"
065 - 08100 Reviewing My Entire Life from "Imperial Stride Disc 3: Passing Indian"
066 - 100510 Grant Dies at School from "Imperial Stride Disc 4: Not Noticing"
067 - 112110 All Their Bodies Were Incorporated from "Imperial Stride Disc 5: I've Hung All Night"
068 - Too Fast from "It Was a Midnight Calling"
069 - April 17th, 2012 from "Over the Youngest Shoulder"
070 - My Will from "Viaso en e Largo"
071 - Eleven Songs from "Until It Is Hatched"
072 - Winter's Mark from "The Phone Ended"
073 - I've Got a Motherfucking Ear Infection from "A Muffled Attire Has Been Worn and Appreciated"
074 - Happy Valentine's Day from "Wish You Hadn't Burned"
075 - (Hate) Sitting Down from "It Isn't Wise to Stop Its Course"
076 - Taking On Gas from "Liquor and Eyelids"
077 - I Do Not Envy You from "You Thought You Left With a Gift"
078 - Hidden Facts Number 5 from "Look Down at the Brook"
079 - Cornfield Surprise from "I Hear You Tapping"
080 - Ignored the Circle (You Killed Me) from "3,720 and other Mentioned Tales"
081 - Standing Naked from "A Broad Payment Scale"
082 - What I Have Earned from "One Leaf, An Image and No Temper"
083 - To The Upper Pig from "Bring Us to The Palace Light"
084 - Please Bring Your Friends from "Subsequent Allegory"
085 - Least Dandruff Girl from "The Levothyroxine Codex"
086 - Voce Esta a Descer from "Please, Not Now"
087 - Some Truth from "Cinematic Pans and Drastic Plans"
088 - Heard From from "Outside Your Hope"
089 - From the Garden from "In the Space Behind His Chair"
090 - Pretend I'm There from "Approaching at Top Speed"
091 - Lately I've Been Feeling from "When Streets Have Paused"
092 - Welcome To The Windowless Garage from "The Stoic Dildo Archer"
093 - The Green Arc from "An Important Adjustment to the Image"
094 - Yellow Hood from "We Removed Old Boards and Cried Together"
095 - I'm a Table from "The Wild and Pointless Travels of Ramon Austin"
096 - Lewis Carroll Gave Me a Blow Job Today from "All Gave Way to a Larger Source"
097 - Too Hot To Cure from "You Are Remembered Fondly"
098 - I'm Spent from "Yes, Both in Tone and Direction"
099 - I Saw Completion (In Your Eyes) from "Ebb and Flow, A Sorrow Show"
100 - Necessary Outward Movement from "Complete Mental Separation"
101 - There's No Way from "Planting Myself Deep"
102 - June 23rd, 1986 from "A Jar of Funeral"
103 - Phase Seven from "The Tall Grass Phenomenon"
104 - Congregation Weights from "Geographical Locations Determine Fatal Structures"
105 - Got Lists from "Things I Thought Needed To Be Pointed Out"
106 - Your Mother Sings Again from "In the Last Days"
107 - Mostly Factual from "Equationary Death"
108 - First Musician In Space from "Almost Here"
109 - They Said Today from "GRAVITY"
110 - This Is a Celebration from "O'er Icsa Deus Una Icsa"
111 - The Most Basic Fact (Revised) from "Apparition's Gold"
112 - Feguro I Puls from "Among Not Along"
113 - You Are Not Plastic from "The Grand Discovery"
114 - Wasn't a Mountain from "With Tasting Hands I Sort Your Things"
115 - Liver Spots from "Crumbling With Grace"
116 - An Equal, Not from "IT IS REAL NOW"
117 - You Lent a Whisper from "With No Help"
118 - Takes It from "When Her Yelling Stopped"
119 - A Christmas Wish from "Farewell For Ghosts"
120 - Make Way from "Crowbar=Love (Remake)"
121 - CHDI from "Earned"
122 - Story of Two Body Parts from "Spritzerdoodle - Disc 1"
123 - My Happy Piss Raisin Javelin For Kim from "Spritzerdoodle - Disc 2"
124 - Another Infernal Melody from "Spritzerdoodle - Disc 3"
125 - Impossible Creature from "Impossible Creature"
126 - That Was My Eye from "Sound Of the Day Project"
127 - Weary of Haze from "Simplify and Exit"
128 - To Bring Me from "Montana"
129 - Now Mine from "Adysydraena"
130 - October Came from "In Place"
131 - World Class Alarm from "The Dream Diary"
132 - Climbing Time from "Adjacent Windows"
133 - Much More from "Alleviate My Eyes"
134 - New Fog from "Goodnight"
135 - Too Different from "It Wants Me Home"
Here is the complete track listing for the album:
001 - 06-18-70 from "Crowbar = Love"
002 - Adelaide from "Howling at The Science of The Invisible"
003 - The Most Basic Fact from "When the Puppet Explodes"
004 - Baron Von Grapenut from "Resistance In Progress"
005 - 27:27 from "27:27 (The Time Remaining)"
006 - DeLorme from "I'm Mister Siren"
007 - When Will I Stop Stinking? from "My Tell-All Book"
008 - 42 Minutes of Bliss from "The Naythen Wilson Septet Sings the Songs of Adrian, The Chief of Police"
009 - The 12th Mass from "The 12th Mass"
010 - I Am So Happy (And I Am Not a Calendar) from "The Fireman Has a Box Just For You"
011 - Get a Roof from "The Forlorn Hands"
012 - Fire Took the House from "The Very Last Supper"
013 - Plummets from "No Move Water"
014 - From the Left from "thesimplealbum"
015 - The Dish of Which You Dance from "Repeller"
016 - Death Witch from "Death Witch"
017 - Architect of Destiny from "160 Years In Between Viewings"
018 - Foreign Itch from "Never Went Towards the Window"
019 - Recapitulation from "RECAPITULATION"
020 - With These Hands from "The Boy Who Cried Doom"
021 - Beatrice Nutter from "Entrance"
022 - My Brain from "The Diane Chronicles"
023 - Drink the Beggar from "Riding the Inconvenient Rays of The Sun"
024 - Calculations from "I AM SFMYFS JXUNRS"
025 - Black Wine from "Empty Are the Lands"
026 - Comfort in Corners from "A Bird Named Bronson"
027 - 0460 from "Reds For Dense"
028 - 092047 from "White;Precious"
029 - I'm the Ruiner from "National City...."
030 - Fortunes Navigate from "I Put a Delicate Cloth Over Your Face"
031 - 107 Feet from "This Is I Never Returned"
032 - For Guisseppe from "Drag"
033 - And Once Again from "Sadie"
034 - The Devotion Plug from "Today, and Welcome or The Illuminated Hill"
035 - There Will Be Additions from "A Complete List Of Every Who Has Ever Gone Missing"
036 - The Continuous Echo from "The Two Who Waited"
037 - He Is Really Tired from "Chapter Six"
038 - Movement For Voice and Airplane from "The Cassa-Amette Storm Stream Blackout"
039 - October 12th, 1996 from "Celery Is the Ghost"
040 - Leaving Newscasters from "Leaving Newscasters"
041 - Soul Carnival from "The Horrible Escapades of Everett Konkine Wilkins"
042 - And Torn from "Gone To the Woods"
043 - Jonas from "Wish For a Cat, Get a Cat"
044 - The Last Dream from "A Small Part Showing"
045 - Regurgitate Order from "She Has Ventured (Spill River, Spill)"
046 - I Love You Misery from "BARNDANCE"
047 - Left For Me from "Suffix"
048 - Big White, Little White, Two Little Grays from "The Nod"
049 - Ringing Through Fog from "Fire Sadly"
050 - Vines of Singapore from "8th Boulevard"
051 - Breakdown Math from "Breakdown Math"
052 - With My Luck from "The Dead Behavior...."
053 - The Civil House Gang from "This Is Just Another CD Full of Karaoke Covers..."
054 - This Was But a Partial Release from "It Kinda Looks Like Part of a Wheel"
055 - They're Dead From All of The Adjusting from "Lantern (A Concentration)"
056 - Eye Dwindle from "ME TOMB"
057 - Mannequin Arm from "Undertainment"
058 - Farmland Forever and Never from "The Feather Water"
059 - Vested from "27:27 (The Failure)"
060 - At a Direct Angle from "The Fun Never Starts"
061 - The Giant Silken Beast from "Walk From The Shape"
062 - Going Up One Side and Down the Other from "To the Audience Inside Your Dreams, I Apologize"
063 - 030310 The Coronation Scene from "Imperial Stride Disc 1: Not Of the Same Heart"
064 - 051710 Five Copies of the Same Record from "Imperial Stride Disc 2: The Emperor's Cage"
065 - 08100 Reviewing My Entire Life from "Imperial Stride Disc 3: Passing Indian"
066 - 100510 Grant Dies at School from "Imperial Stride Disc 4: Not Noticing"
067 - 112110 All Their Bodies Were Incorporated from "Imperial Stride Disc 5: I've Hung All Night"
068 - Too Fast from "It Was a Midnight Calling"
069 - April 17th, 2012 from "Over the Youngest Shoulder"
070 - My Will from "Viaso en e Largo"
071 - Eleven Songs from "Until It Is Hatched"
072 - Winter's Mark from "The Phone Ended"
073 - I've Got a Motherfucking Ear Infection from "A Muffled Attire Has Been Worn and Appreciated"
074 - Happy Valentine's Day from "Wish You Hadn't Burned"
075 - (Hate) Sitting Down from "It Isn't Wise to Stop Its Course"
076 - Taking On Gas from "Liquor and Eyelids"
077 - I Do Not Envy You from "You Thought You Left With a Gift"
078 - Hidden Facts Number 5 from "Look Down at the Brook"
079 - Cornfield Surprise from "I Hear You Tapping"
080 - Ignored the Circle (You Killed Me) from "3,720 and other Mentioned Tales"
081 - Standing Naked from "A Broad Payment Scale"
082 - What I Have Earned from "One Leaf, An Image and No Temper"
083 - To The Upper Pig from "Bring Us to The Palace Light"
084 - Please Bring Your Friends from "Subsequent Allegory"
085 - Least Dandruff Girl from "The Levothyroxine Codex"
086 - Voce Esta a Descer from "Please, Not Now"
087 - Some Truth from "Cinematic Pans and Drastic Plans"
088 - Heard From from "Outside Your Hope"
089 - From the Garden from "In the Space Behind His Chair"
090 - Pretend I'm There from "Approaching at Top Speed"
091 - Lately I've Been Feeling from "When Streets Have Paused"
092 - Welcome To The Windowless Garage from "The Stoic Dildo Archer"
093 - The Green Arc from "An Important Adjustment to the Image"
094 - Yellow Hood from "We Removed Old Boards and Cried Together"
095 - I'm a Table from "The Wild and Pointless Travels of Ramon Austin"
096 - Lewis Carroll Gave Me a Blow Job Today from "All Gave Way to a Larger Source"
097 - Too Hot To Cure from "You Are Remembered Fondly"
098 - I'm Spent from "Yes, Both in Tone and Direction"
099 - I Saw Completion (In Your Eyes) from "Ebb and Flow, A Sorrow Show"
100 - Necessary Outward Movement from "Complete Mental Separation"
101 - There's No Way from "Planting Myself Deep"
102 - June 23rd, 1986 from "A Jar of Funeral"
103 - Phase Seven from "The Tall Grass Phenomenon"
104 - Congregation Weights from "Geographical Locations Determine Fatal Structures"
105 - Got Lists from "Things I Thought Needed To Be Pointed Out"
106 - Your Mother Sings Again from "In the Last Days"
107 - Mostly Factual from "Equationary Death"
108 - First Musician In Space from "Almost Here"
109 - They Said Today from "GRAVITY"
110 - This Is a Celebration from "O'er Icsa Deus Una Icsa"
111 - The Most Basic Fact (Revised) from "Apparition's Gold"
112 - Feguro I Puls from "Among Not Along"
113 - You Are Not Plastic from "The Grand Discovery"
114 - Wasn't a Mountain from "With Tasting Hands I Sort Your Things"
115 - Liver Spots from "Crumbling With Grace"
116 - An Equal, Not from "IT IS REAL NOW"
117 - You Lent a Whisper from "With No Help"
118 - Takes It from "When Her Yelling Stopped"
119 - A Christmas Wish from "Farewell For Ghosts"
120 - Make Way from "Crowbar=Love (Remake)"
121 - CHDI from "Earned"
122 - Story of Two Body Parts from "Spritzerdoodle - Disc 1"
123 - My Happy Piss Raisin Javelin For Kim from "Spritzerdoodle - Disc 2"
124 - Another Infernal Melody from "Spritzerdoodle - Disc 3"
125 - Impossible Creature from "Impossible Creature"
126 - That Was My Eye from "Sound Of the Day Project"
127 - Weary of Haze from "Simplify and Exit"
128 - To Bring Me from "Montana"
129 - Now Mine from "Adysydraena"
130 - October Came from "In Place"
131 - World Class Alarm from "The Dream Diary"
132 - Climbing Time from "Adjacent Windows"
133 - Much More from "Alleviate My Eyes"
134 - New Fog from "Goodnight"
135 - Too Different from "It Wants Me Home"
BRAND NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY! Short, but sweet. Listen closely!

August 28th, 2017
Ten years later, and I still am not dead. You died three times, and I felt there had to be a demarcation point.
This new album is called "It Wants Me Home", four songs, acoustic and voice. Simple, stripped back.
Track listing:
1. I Fell Apart
2. Too Different
3. Determinator
4. You Want Me Ill
Ten years later, and I still am not dead. You died three times, and I felt there had to be a demarcation point.
This new album is called "It Wants Me Home", four songs, acoustic and voice. Simple, stripped back.
Track listing:
1. I Fell Apart
2. Too Different
3. Determinator
4. You Want Me Ill
BRAND NEW ALBUM OUT TODAY! We are heading back... can you hear the siren?

MAY 22nd, 2017
We are happy again to announce another album, the 5th of 2017! Recently, my old voice recorder from back in the day, was found and returned to me. I thought it would be great to record a new album on it, in that old-school Atonal Funeral Folk style. I removed the G string from my acoustic guitar, and dove head first into altered tunings, nasty chords and ugly vocal melodies. Many might find it to be a sister album to the classic "I'm Mr. Siren" from 2004. If you loved that album, you will love this one.
1. Caved In Your Oars
2. The Crossing Field
3. I'm Getting Up
4. Goodnight
5. New Fog
6. Half in Thirds
7. It Was Your Work
We are happy again to announce another album, the 5th of 2017! Recently, my old voice recorder from back in the day, was found and returned to me. I thought it would be great to record a new album on it, in that old-school Atonal Funeral Folk style. I removed the G string from my acoustic guitar, and dove head first into altered tunings, nasty chords and ugly vocal melodies. Many might find it to be a sister album to the classic "I'm Mr. Siren" from 2004. If you loved that album, you will love this one.
1. Caved In Your Oars
2. The Crossing Field
3. I'm Getting Up
4. Goodnight
5. New Fog
6. Half in Thirds
7. It Was Your Work

APRIL 10th, 2017
We are VERY happy to announce that there is ANOTHER NEW ALBUM released today! It is called "Alleviate My Eyes", and it is a goth/synthy/new wave record of extreme ugliness and depression. Very barren, very melodic, but endlessly morbid. I hope you all pick up a copy.
Track Listing:
1. At Peace
2. Without Mouths
3. Much More
4. Sing the Chorus
5. Tonight
We are VERY happy to announce that there is ANOTHER NEW ALBUM released today! It is called "Alleviate My Eyes", and it is a goth/synthy/new wave record of extreme ugliness and depression. Very barren, very melodic, but endlessly morbid. I hope you all pick up a copy.
Track Listing:
1. At Peace
2. Without Mouths
3. Much More
4. Sing the Chorus
5. Tonight

MARCH 25th, 2017
We are very happy to announce that there is a new Naythen Wilson album out today! This album hearkens back to the American Folk Movement of the 1960's. This album is like not anything in his catalog. This album was originally intended to be the first album after 2012's Song of the Day releases, but Naythen took 2013 off from his solo career. We now have it! In all of its rustic glory. BUY THIS NOW! There is even a special hidden track!
Track List:
1. To Bed
2. Serpentine #467
3. Adjacent Windows
4. The Mask Was Love
5. Best We Ever Do
6. Climbing Time
7. So Many Wells
8. Here & Now & Then
9. Old Kents Hill Road
10. The Necessities
11. Made of Spiders
We are very happy to announce that there is a new Naythen Wilson album out today! This album hearkens back to the American Folk Movement of the 1960's. This album is like not anything in his catalog. This album was originally intended to be the first album after 2012's Song of the Day releases, but Naythen took 2013 off from his solo career. We now have it! In all of its rustic glory. BUY THIS NOW! There is even a special hidden track!
Track List:
1. To Bed
2. Serpentine #467
3. Adjacent Windows
4. The Mask Was Love
5. Best We Ever Do
6. Climbing Time
7. So Many Wells
8. Here & Now & Then
9. Old Kents Hill Road
10. The Necessities
11. Made of Spiders

FEBRUARY 26th, 2017
I dug out a large folder of material I had written over the years, and found an album worth of material that I just had to record. I wrote it when I was in the band The Perpetual Motion Machine back in the late 90's. That band was constantly pushing the boundaries of weird, and was a great time in my life... I finally recorded the album using the chintzy sounds in Musescore and it came out sounding incredibly eerie. The track list is as follows:
1. The Human Patchbay
2. Have You Ever?
3. The Lonely Demise of Cal
4. Reoccurring Rhapsody
5. Round-a-Radio
6. The Evil Ganesa (Ganesh)
7. Cast Jim's Face There
8. Oliver's Liver Transplant
9. Go To
10. Wendall Lost His Shoes
11. Naked In Class
12. Under Your Window
13. Spare Some Change?
14. Re-Assembly
15. A Flight Through Carnage
16. Falling Thief
17. World Class Alarm
18. Forever Forward
I dug out a large folder of material I had written over the years, and found an album worth of material that I just had to record. I wrote it when I was in the band The Perpetual Motion Machine back in the late 90's. That band was constantly pushing the boundaries of weird, and was a great time in my life... I finally recorded the album using the chintzy sounds in Musescore and it came out sounding incredibly eerie. The track list is as follows:
1. The Human Patchbay
2. Have You Ever?
3. The Lonely Demise of Cal
4. Reoccurring Rhapsody
5. Round-a-Radio
6. The Evil Ganesa (Ganesh)
7. Cast Jim's Face There
8. Oliver's Liver Transplant
9. Go To
10. Wendall Lost His Shoes
11. Naked In Class
12. Under Your Window
13. Spare Some Change?
14. Re-Assembly
15. A Flight Through Carnage
16. Falling Thief
17. World Class Alarm
18. Forever Forward

FEBRUARY 23rd, 2017
I just wrapped up the finishing touches of my first album of 2017. This one is very special to me. It is full of clips of my life, and very personal. So many hidden things on this one. GET OUT YOUR DECODER RINGS!
The album is called "In Place", and the track list is as follows:
1. Sorry You Think
2. Evergreen
3. Don't Notice
4. October Came
5. I Recently Prepared a Document
6. Adelaide Too
7. Had an Operation
8. Lesser Even In Youth
9. Carter Street
10. Drink Up
11. Stood Glad
I just wrapped up the finishing touches of my first album of 2017. This one is very special to me. It is full of clips of my life, and very personal. So many hidden things on this one. GET OUT YOUR DECODER RINGS!
The album is called "In Place", and the track list is as follows:
1. Sorry You Think
2. Evergreen
3. Don't Notice
4. October Came
5. I Recently Prepared a Document
6. Adelaide Too
7. Had an Operation
8. Lesser Even In Youth
9. Carter Street
10. Drink Up
11. Stood Glad
ADYSYDRAENA now available!

DECEMBER 28th, 2016
I just got done recording a new album today. Three layers of guitar in hellacious swhirls, paying a dark tribute to my predecessor. You are greatly missed. It is called "Adysydraena", and it contains on 35 minute song called "Now Mine".
I just got done recording a new album today. Three layers of guitar in hellacious swhirls, paying a dark tribute to my predecessor. You are greatly missed. It is called "Adysydraena", and it contains on 35 minute song called "Now Mine".
Back to the stage. Back to the cinderwheel.

HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE: I have a brand new solo album. First album in 2 1/2 years. It is called "Montana", and it is a sonic slab of misery.
August 21st, 2016
3 years ago, Naythen Wilson left the stage behind after 32 years of performing. For that performance he joined forces with Avant-Garde/Electronic Music/Master Drummer Christopher Cathode at Frantasia Festival 2013 in Livermore Falls, Maine.
10 months later in June of 2014, Naythen ended his solo career, leaving behind a catalog of 83 releases, comprised of 153 cds worth of material...
Last night, for the first time in 3 years, Naythen once again joined Christopher Cathode on stage at Frantasia 2016. They performed the background music for the incomparable genius, Lewis Gesner, who was sending a live audio feed from Taipei, Taiwan.
This has opened a floodgate.
3 years ago, Naythen Wilson left the stage behind after 32 years of performing. For that performance he joined forces with Avant-Garde/Electronic Music/Master Drummer Christopher Cathode at Frantasia Festival 2013 in Livermore Falls, Maine.
10 months later in June of 2014, Naythen ended his solo career, leaving behind a catalog of 83 releases, comprised of 153 cds worth of material...
Last night, for the first time in 3 years, Naythen once again joined Christopher Cathode on stage at Frantasia 2016. They performed the background music for the incomparable genius, Lewis Gesner, who was sending a live audio feed from Taipei, Taiwan.
This has opened a floodgate.
It kinda looks like part of a wheel.....
Naythen Wilson was born in the summer of 1975 into an environment of strong family values, where respect and honesty and learning were actually cherished. It is in that special place that he gathered his skills of music. The household he was raised in was very musical. The family was always singing and humming or listening to music. This drive to create music was intense from the very beginning. He would watch his mother at the piano, sit mesmerized as his dad told him about the intricacies of opera, and gaze at his brother as he cranked Judas Priest on the stereo. This was truly a hotbed of inspiration. After early attempts at piano, guitar, and vocals were scrapped, he found his way onto the trumpet. This brass monster would only partly release the ideas in his head. It was soon after that, his love for the bass guitar became evident. His skills on the bass would lead him into many a band over his career. He eventually found like minded individuals who like to push the boundaries around as much as he did. Over the years he has experimented in avant-garde, math rock, progressive metal, death metal, disco, rock, blues, funk, noise scuplture, country and just about everything in between.
However, this site is not dedicated to any of that... this is for his solo albums alone.
That is where the wealth is.
However, this site is not dedicated to any of that... this is for his solo albums alone.
That is where the wealth is.